Author: Obiero

NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US: Building a Disability Movement in East Africa

NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US: BUILDING A DISABILITY MOVEMENT IN EAST AFRICA Mike O’maera- EAPN There are over a billion people in the world living with various disabilities. Persons with disabilities have had to battle against biased assumptions, harmful stereotypes, and irrational fears for many centuries. The stigmatization of disability resulted in the social and…


GIVING TUESDAY EAST AFRICA SUMMIT On 28th October 2021, the East Africa Philanthropy Network hosted Giving Tuesday partners for the Giving Tuesday East Africa Summit at a hybrid event with physical and virtual participants drawn from the region. As a precursor to the global Giving Tuesday campaign on the 30th November 2021, the Summit aimed…

Trusts and Foundation Law Review Process

Trusts and Foundation Law Review Process FACT SHEET  1. Trustees (Perpetual Succession) ActCap164 of the Laws of Kenya  The proposed amendments to The Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act, Cap 164 of the Laws of Kenya are summarised into the following key themes.  a) Change of Name and consolidation – The Trusts and Foundations Act  ● The changes proposed to Cap 164 would expand its mandate…

Chandaria Foundation Partners with Clean Start to Give Women a Second Chance

Valentine’s Day this year was a memorable day for women serving timein Kenya. As love and roses filled the air, philanthropists, the private sector,government, non-profits, and well wishers came together to share the joy of generosity and partnership demonstrating that noone ever becomes poor by being kind.On the 14th of February 2022, the Lan-gata Women’s…

Accountability in Philanthropy

The Philanthropy sector in East Africa has been steadily working on building greater synergies and collaborations on the emerging pertinent matters that are collectively facing the sector. The stewardship of resources, the sourcing, utilization and accounting of these resources has been a thorny issue all across the sectors.Over the last 10 years practitioners in the…

Chandaria Foundation partners with Clean Start to give women a second chance

On the 14th of February 2022, the Lan-gata Women’s Prison received a most valuable gift a 12 million baking and clothing unit workshop fully stocked with machines including a seed capital start-up fund workshop that will serve at least 500 inmates inits facilities