
Feedback Mechanisms for Stronger Relationships

‍ On the third day of the Reengi­neering Philanthropy Confer­ence, the issue of feedback mechanisms was addressed in a session titled, “Completing the Cir­cuit: Strengthening Feedback Mecha­nisms between Civil Society and Funders towards building an enabling environ­ment for philanthropy”. It was an insight­ful session, which blended funding and grantee organizations who shared their experiences, recommendations,…

Re-engineering Philanthropy with Unity, Solidarity, and Purpose

When I landed in Nairobi after a long flight from Zambia to support the Secretariat for the 7th East Africa Philanthropy Conference representing Africa Philanthropy Network (APN), my mind was so en­gaged on the next three days. Pas­sionate about social change and driving the agenda of African Philan­thropy, I understand the need to re­position, rethink…

Shared Value Model for Partnership

The compounding crises of last year brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic marked a pivotal mo­ment for the field of philanthropy. As we look to emerge from the pandemic, growing senses of hope for fundamental change are accompanied by a strong pull back to the way things were. The massive social and economic dis­ruptions have…

Re-Imagining Philanthropy in the Era of Tech

My favorite session at the 7th East Africa Philanthropy Conference was Re-imagining philanthropy in the era of Technology facilitated by the Thunderbird School of Management.   The key take-aways: 1. Technology is great but we need to build solutions with local people, solutions that are context-based. “It doesn’t have to be complicated”. 2. Technology should be used…