April Newsletter EAPN 2022
Welcome to the EAPN’s April newslet-ter. In this issue, we explore collab-orative philanthropy as a strategy forimpact and emerging practice within the fieldof philanthropy in the region.Collaborative philanthropy or impact phi-lanthropy encourages nonprofits and their part-ners to create an actionable plan to maximizetheir social impact. This subset of philanthropyis based on the premise that when nonprofitsand funders or partners collaborate, both learnand benefit from the partnership. As geographi-cal borders continue to blur fueled by the ad-vancements in technology there is an increasein co-investment and collaboration within andbeyond the region’s borders. Funders, corpora-tions, and nonprofits are uniting around a singu-lar cause for greater impact.
This newsletter covers news from our mem-bers and partners as well as sharing the activitiesof the network in the past few months aroundthis theme.In this issue, we are pleased to present asummary of the just-released the State of Insti-tutional Philanthropy Report in East Africa 2021.The study sheds light on the perspectives of in-stitutional givers, their sources of giving, theirpriority constituents, and their contribution tothe Sustainable Development Goals. It also high-lights strategic partnership and accountabilityas tenets for fostering an enabling environmentfor giving in East Africa.The Funders Roundtable conversation host-ed by EAPN delves deeper into the concept ofimpact philanthropy through the lens of prac-titioners’ experiences while the article on thepartnership between Chandaria Foundationand Clean Start provides an excellent illustra-tion of the power of collaborative philanthropy.Last but not least, the future of philanthropyis in communities. This issue also devotes itselfto continue handing over the microphone toour members who are doing remarkable workin communities such as Kenya Connect withtheir literacy programs and raising local leaders.
Enjoy the issue!
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