November 3, 2023 - September 21, 2023
08:00 - 10:00
Delta Hotel, Dar es Salaam

Media – Philanthropy Roundtable, Tanzania: From Dialogue to Action: Catalyzing Media-Philanthropy Collaborations for National Development

In today’s interconnected world, the symbiotic relationship between media and philanthropy is becoming increasingly apparent and vital for catalysing holistic national development. Media, renowned for its unparalleled reach and influence, not only informs but moulds societal attitudes, behaviours, and perceptions. Whether it’s acting as vigilant watch dogs holding powers accountable, gatekeepers curating narratives, or force multipliers amplifying grassroots voices, the media has the unique ability to pave the way for democratic governance, stimulate economic growth, and shine a spotlight on social justice issues.

On the other hand, philanthropy, traditionally seen as a charitable endeavour, has evolved in its depth and breadth. Over recent decades, philanthropic investments have expanded significantly, moving beyond simple monetary donations. Now, they encompass settings such as innovation, capacity building, and strategic policy advocacy. These investments are being channelled into diverse ventures – from rejuvenating downtown areas and bolstering social enterprises to supporting convoluted economic development networks that promise long-term, sustainable impacts.

As both spheres continue to evolve, the interplay between media and philanthropy emerges as a linchpin of progress. Together, they not only have the potential to shape our national identity but also to collaboratively craft the roadmap to a future marked by inclusivity, prosperity, and equity.

In the forthcoming roundtable, we aim to underscore the pioneering role of philanthropy in national development and highlight how the media can be a catalyst in amplifying this transformation. Through the theme “From Dialogue to Action,” our objective is to foster collaborations that drive real change, positioning media and philanthropy as joint architects of an inclusive and thriving future.

Event Details

November 3, 2023 - September 21, 2023
08:00 - 10:00
Delta Hotel, Dar es Salaam