Bernard Muramira

Position: Strive Foundation, Rwanda
Categories: Leadership Board

Bernard Muramira is the Founder and Executive Director of Strive Foundation Rwanda, an organization dedicated to various developmental initiatives. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Rwanda NGO Forum on AIDS and Health Promotion, where he plays a significant role in addressing health-related issues. He is also the Vice-President of CCOAIB (Conseil de Concertation des Organisations d’Appui aux Initiatives de Base), an entity focused on supporting grassroots initiatives. Muramira extends his expertise as a Board Member of EANNASO (The Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations) based in Arusha, Tanzania. Further contributing to his extensive portfolio, he is a member of GFAN Africa (Global Fund Advocates Network), a network focused on supporting the Global Fund’s efforts in combating AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.