Digitizing Philanthropy

East Africa Philanthropy Data Portal

The East Africa Philanthropy Data Portal is a platform that captures data from trusts, foundations, and grant-makers working in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania and aims to inform, influence decision-making and practice, and demonstrate the impact of philanthropy on national development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

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Why data?

Data in the development sector in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are driven by governments that sometimes do not consider data from or about civil society actors. Therefore, the aggregated contribution of philanthropy towards national development remains unmeasured. Consequently, philanthropy has not gained recognition for its contribution and has not been given a seat at the table where important development dialogues take place.   

The East Africa Data portal seeks to change this.

The portal collects indigenous philanthropic data while ensuring international standards of data security, integrity, reliability and authenticity. Using the latest technology, philanthropic data in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are being aggregated on GIS maps to show who is doing what and where in those countries. The portal also reduces duplication of efforts and encourages strategic cooperation between different philanthropic actors.