July 19, 2024
09:00 - 13:00
Baraza Media Lab
Repositioning Community Philanthropy

Repositioning Community Philanthropy for Impact through Storytelling

In the dynamic sphere of information, narratives possess the power to mold our perceptions and steer our understanding of the global landscape. It is with distinct honor that we invite you to the forthcoming forum “Repositioning Community Philanthropy for Impact through Storytelling,” scheduled to take place at Baraza Media Lab on Friday, July 19th, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Our aim is to employ media as a formidable agent of social change, with the potential to cultivate positive global shifts. Moreover, we will explore refined models that amplify storytelling, recognizing and harnessing the inherent qualities, opportunities, and capabilities within our communities. We look to utilize the art of storytelling to recalibrate community philanthropy for significant impact, fostering a collective resolve to surmount challenges and activate effective modes of engagement. 

We have a very limited number of slots available, so we encourage you to secure your participation swiftly. Register here: docs.google.com/forms/d/1yb-li