Reports Category: Communities of Practice

Climate Change Crisis and SDGs Nexus For Philanthropy

To enlighten the Philanthropy fraternity in their knowledge and understanding of Climate change. Climate change is having significant impact on Africa, and its effects are set to get worse. Africa’s contribution to the GHGs is negligible, but it is facing – and will increasingly face – severe effects from climate change and its impacts as…

Impact Of COVID-19 On Women Workers In The Horticulture Sector In Kenya

Focusing on impact of COVID-19 on women workers in horticulture sector, living conditions and shifts in their household expenses. Summary of findings The impact of Covid-19 pandemic has impacted women workers in the horticulture sector socially, economically and psychologically, with the effect spiralling to their homes. The major effects are Massive layoffs of temporary and…

Blended Finance Learning Forum – Series 2

For SDGs,Africa needs to crowd-in private sector funds from the capital markets. This requires key players to leverage innovative blended finance transactions. According to a recent report produced by The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa, remittances, Official Development Assistance (ODA), and portfolio flows to Africa have “taken a nosedive and are likely to remain…

Blended Finance Learning Forum – Series 1

Aimed at igniting thought leadership, on adoption of innovative financing models that will help the region to build back stronger post-COVID 19. The broader theme in having this virtual seminar series is about igniting thought leadership, collaboration and action around the adoption of innovative financing models that will help Kenya, and by extension East Africa, Build…

Repositioning Philanthropy in the disruption of Covid-19 2020- Annual Report

The coordination role that EAPN played in the sector’s response to COVID-19, several activities were conducted to strengthen the philanthropy sector. This report highlights activities that were accomplished the period January to December 2020, and the challenges encountered during the period. It is worth noting that the activities were implemented against the backdrop of the…

Women Philanthropy in East Africa

Patterns, Practise and Opportunities. East African women‟s attitudes towards philanthropy have generally been positive. Charitable sharing of time, food, shelter, giving of relief to an immediate need is deeply rooted in a long-standing tradition of family and tribal roots dating back to the pre-colonial African society, in which the needs of any individual community member…

AGM Notice

Annual GM brings together all the members of the Network The Annual General Meeting together the entire membership of East Africa Philanthropy Network, to deliberate of matters pertaining to the Network PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Data Driven Philanthropy Philanthropy Reports Communities of Practice Accountability in Philanthropy RELATED ARTICLES 02 Jun 2022 Climate Change accountability in philanthropy 07…

Covering Re- Engineering Philanthropy

Sharing thoughts and reflections from conference participants and EAPN members while celebrating winners of the 4th edition of East Africa Philanthropy Awards This issue shares thoughts and reflections from conference participants and EAPN members while celebrating the winners of the East Africa Philanthropy Awards who were celebrated at the close of the conference. In the…

Community Philanthropy Paradigm: Learning and Actions for Change

How Community philanthropy the models vary from the traditional sub-award/restricted approaches used by traditional donors Community development foundations are formed by a multifaceted group of local community development leaders, and they are funded from various sources, including private foundations, private and public sectors, local communities, and individuals. It is important to note that most shocks…

April Newsletter EAPN 2022

April Newsletter EAPN 2022 Welcome to the EAPN’s April newslet-ter. In this issue, we explore collab-orative philanthropy as a strategy forimpact and emerging practice within the fieldof philanthropy in the region.Collaborative philanthropy or impact phi-lanthropy encourages nonprofits and their part-ners to create an actionable plan to maximizetheir social impact. This subset of philanthropyis based on…